Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Developing Your Own Wellness Chart

While visiting my fifth grader grandson, I was able to observe him doing some homework. He was working on a Wellness Chart where he would list things in his life which were needed to provide wellness in four specific areas which were: Spirituality, Morality, Mental, and Physical. A wellness chart can help a person stay on course in keeping the body active and the mind alert.

Developing your own Wellness Chart may be a good thing to do in order to bring balance and direction into your life. Senior citizens, depending on their age and station in life, may feel that it is too late to develop such a chart. They may feel that it is unnecessary and something which would not help. However, everyone of any age can benefit from evaluating where they are headed and what things could be beneficial for them.

In the area of Spirituality, a belief in God or some higher power helps a person stay well. Trust and faith in one's own abilities can have beneficial results. Meditation and prayer to stay in tune with the spiritual side will help keep balance in life.

The area of morality is important for the wellbeing of every person. Honesty and integrity in all dealings with one's fellowmen brings peace. Upholding the values which a person holds dear will help a person to live a moral life. Temptations will come to all people, but it is important to be strong enough not to give in to the temptations to do wrong and commit immoral acts.

The mental state is most important in wellness. Stretching the mind and the thinking processes by regular study and reading will help a person to keep progressing mentally. Using games and puzzles helps to keep the mind active.

It is difficult for most people to enjoy life if they are not feeling well. The physical part of life is an area in which people can often have a lot of influence by simply adhering to certain methods of caring for one's body. Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help anyone maintain better physical health. Exercising regularly to keep the body working well is a difficult matter for many people, but it is very important in staying fit and trim which makes a difference in wellness. There are many commercial products which also may help a person stay well physically. The body is a miraculous thing, but it does wear out with age. There are products on the market which may help with the aging process. Trying some of them could be beneficial.

Monday, October 29, 2012

How Urgent Care Helps During Flu Season

If flu season is something you worry about, be sure to find a local urgent care to help you to prevent this illness from infecting your home. There are some types of flu that can be very dangerous to a person's health. In fact, influenza kills thousands of people each year. Those with a weakened immune system, the elderly, children and pregnant women are most susceptible to this illnesses more severe form. Yet, chances are good there is help available to you locally to put an end to the problem before it even starts.

Prevention in a Shot

Most of the time, the local urgent care facility will be able to give patients in the area a flu shot. If you are anxious about getting this condition or you are just hoping to avoid it altogether, but you do not want to wait weeks for your local doctor's office to have the shots available, head in to this facility instead. You do not need an appointment. Just walk in and within a few minutes you will be ready to leave protected from this illness.

Cold or Flu?

Once the season gets underway, there will be situations in which you are unsure if you or your child has a head cold or has the flu. Both can have similar symptoms. To find out what you may have, it is best to turn to a local provider to get your questions answered. You also want to use these facilities for help when the condition may be worsening. It can develop into a larger respiratory infection or bronchitis if you are not careful. To find out what you are suffering from, you should visit these centers.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

How To Properly Utilize a Medical Alert System While Alone During a Medical Emergency

There are ways to use just about any device improperly. Lack of knowledge is typically one of the most common reasons why devices are improperly used. For devices that are created with the intent to be used in a medical emergency, such as a medical alert system, the difference between proper and improper use can be life or death.

Do you know how to react in a medical emergency? With or without a medical alert system in your home? One of the hardest things to do in a medical emergency is to not panic, but unfortunately it is one of the most common things people do in these types of situations. Panic is just the simplest response to an emergency because it is instinctual and it is done without thinking. People also panic because they have no idea what else to do! This is very sad because panicking is the most dangerous reaction a person could have in an emergency situation. People who panic can cause a lot more harm than good during a medical emergency. One of the best ways to keep yourself from panicking during a medical emergency is to know how to handle one, especially for when you are all by yourself. Here are some great tips to help you know how to handle a medical emergency and get through it in the safest way possible.

Press Your Medical Alert Button
For the most part, since you have equipped your home with a medical alert system, you can easily call for help by hitting your medical alert button located on your medical alert bracelet, necklace or pendant. This will automatically dial a care center where a trained help advisor will be on the line in just seconds, ready to call your family members, friends, neighbors or send emergency assistance to help you with any medical emergency. The help advisor will also stay on the line with you until help arrives. However, if you are out of your home, or maybe you have unfortunately not invested in a medical alert system, you will need to call 911. In cases where you are alone, reaching the phone may be difficult to do if you are injured after a fall and you are unable to move. That is why a medical alert system is very valuable to have, especially during a medical emergency when you are all by yourself.

Some people don't call 911 first because they are trying to assess the situation, and not bother 911 if the emergency is not that dire. This can cause the person to lose valuable time that is necessary for helping them survive the situation. Do not wait to call 911 or press your medical alert button. Even if the emergency turns out to not be that serious, it could have been, and hesitation is another enemy of medical emergencies.

If Physically Injured, Try Not to Move
Many times when people fall, they try very hard to get themselves back up or move around to attempt to find a comfortable position. This is the absolute worst thing a person can do in the case of a medical emergency when a fall is involved. You may not realize, but you may have a neck or spinal cord injury. Moving can cause even more harm and possibly cause you to become paralyzed.

If you have a medical alert system in your home as you should, you will be able to call for help with such minimal movement because you will only need to move your hand to press the medical alert button on your medical alert bracelet, pendant or necklace. Not having to move much to call for help during a medical emergency in which you are alone is a very important aspect of trying to maintain mobility after the fall.

If you do not have a medical alert system and need to try to get to a phone, you run the risk of injuring yourself further. If you have nearby neighbors, try to shout for help and hope someone hears you. Otherwise, you can either wait until someone finally comes, or risk injuring yourself further by trying to move and get to a phone to call 911.

Keep Medication With You

Some people take many medications that can help them immediately in the event of a medical emergency. Obviously, sticking ten different pill bottles into your pockets will never be practical, but keeping a small pill case in your pocket with a few of each important pill in it is good practice just in case of a medical emergency. This way, you can have the medication you need in seconds.

When you are alone, you can not exactly ask anyone to get your medication for you, so if you collapse due to a issue that one of your medications can fix, the pill case in your pocket will be your best friend. However, if you have not prepared for this situation, a medical alert system can act as another person in your home and call medical personnel to help you promptly. Without a medical alert system, it will be difficult to tell how long you might be without your medication, or if you will even survive the situation.